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Friday, October 12, 2012


2012 and why it was likely picked by an advanced enough ancient civilizations to point to

here is some neat info on 2012 and why it was likely picked by an advanced enough ancient civilizations to point to.

the sun is a plasma ball,
and plasma shares electrons (just like metal)
so it is conductive,
all the planets have a magnetic field,
so you have magnets orbiting a conductive object,
yes, you guessed it, that is an electric generator,
and you can see that this generation matches directly with the sun's activity level.
it is proved in great detail here
you can see that the sun spot cycle peaking in 2012 is disrupted at the start of the cycle, and that is the kind that lead to very big solar flairs,

an unrelated researcher has been looking at precise planet alignment and how they match with big flairs, and it seems he can mostly tell when and what direction they will happen based on were the planets are
now remember that the planets have very calculable orbits and that you can figure out where they are going to be or have been tens of thousands of years away fairly easy (ok, the math is hard, but I think all math is hard).

now lets look at not just a massive solar flair (it could easily take out our power grid and one did in the past when the grid was just being built), but at the other things it is doing,

solar activity sets what will happen on the earth,
lets look at a few ways,

cosmic rays cause cloud formation
remember that they only say that it can't change weather because of the global warming tax scam that will kill there funding if they say that,
but now that the man made global warming world tax is falling apart they are shifting it to poverty
so we might get some better science about the climate now that pressure will be let up on them, but now i am getting off topic (sorry)

also there are magnetic ropes or threads that take very large amounts of energy form one place to the other
large ones go from the solar system edge to the sun all the time,
and smaller ones from the sun to the earth,
they dump large amounts of energy very fast

"Even more impressive was the substorm's power. Angelopoulos estimates the total energy of the two-hour event at five hundred thousand billion (5 x 1014) Joules. That's approximately equivalent to the energy of a magnitude 5.5 earthquake."

solar energy expands or contracts the upper atmosphere
and this makes a big difference in the weather and plant growth

other things the sun does is change how the plants grow by setting the ion levels, I can't seem to find a better link at the moment.

solar activity sets ice age cycles, this page is good for getting up to date on how likely an ice age is to happen (by the way we already have ice age weather patterns now)

according to the vedic texts about the end of the last ice age we have a few warning signs to look for,
during the last ice age there were a few spots were humans lived and could farm well, one of them was the Siberia area, and that is where the vedic people lived http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedic
they had passed down info on what to watch for and what to do when the ice age ended,
the things to look for were all of the following,
earthquakes everywhere, summer will come but will do no good, and politicians will be Openly corrupt
in the text they are not believing that something so old could be true, some people moved south and some stayed,
and after reading it I agreed with the author, but then woke up out of my reading trance and remembered that this came true 12K years ago at the end of the last ice age, and all the people that stayed got froze solid. the people that left became the people of india, the celtic people and most of china
the reason they were not living in the middle of the large land masses during the ice age is that they are hot and dry with random flooding and extreme weather that did not do well with crops at all (just like we are now seeing with the weather)

I tend to think that people are affected by the energies just as much as the rest of things are, so that is why the politicians that are always corrupt just don't bother hiding it anymore
the earthquakes are likely caused by the magnetic energy pulling on the continental plates and many people have spotted the link from the solar storms to quakes on earth, but I have not seen any scientific studies on it yet.

so all of this is how a sufficiently advanced civilization in the past could have told you the end date of the next civilization

I know of 3 groups that pointed to 2012
the complex at Angkor Wat points to dec 21 2012 (it uses draco)
the myan calender is well known...
the 2 of them are repeating and point to the winter solstice on dec 21 2012
the last one is the great pyramid in Egypt,
and it is a run once calender and points to 2012 but does not point to any specific month
and they all use different stars to tell the same date

the really neat thing about this is that we get to see the date that they all pointed to and see what happens.

I suspect it will be a forced spiritual evolution that will end the long standing evil on the planet,

I hope that this at least gets people thinking and looking into it on there own,
I did not spend much time on writing this and did not look hard for good web links, so you will have to do it.
and if there is something to this, it is going to change everyones life, and will likely do it by next summer.

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