Monday, April 03, 2006

I did lots of things over the week off.
I made a vinal pillow.
I went shopping on a tuesday at noon, and talked to this woman that works in cost plus world market in walnut creek, name tag -harmony, she was so nice, it gives me faith in the world, I think I should go back and flirt with her, but she was not there on friday when I tried that already.
I helped set up a wherhouse party, and it got busted by the police at 11pm, so much work, so little results, I met some nice people though.
I got a washer-drier for $540 off the regular price, now I can use detergent that I am allergic to and the clothes are so cleen that when I pull them out I do not have any real problems, the only drawback is that it is a big machiene, and it was still realy expencive.
I got a bacteria field guide, who whould have thought that something so small could be so fun, I found the object in the picture in the El Cerrito creek, there were lots of them, anyone know what it is?
the immage is 400 times magnification.

I got a book on how to make soap, because the only soap that I had no allergie to - was discontinued.
I found out how to make it and where to buy the ingrediants, but the company would not sell me potasium hydroxide,
so I have decided to wright a book or webpage on how to make your own chemicals, I really dont like how people are left to suffer if they have certian problems, if you are not a chemical company (dam company polocies), and most of us are not, then you are at someones elses control as far as things like saop, I will keep looking for where to buy it, but I have little faith that will work, so I will try to make all the parts at home, I look forward to making bleach at home, yet annother distraction for my borring life.
so in summery having the entire week off work is god and bad, but is mostly relaxing.
I highly suggest it.
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Sounds like you had fun. Good for you. You should look for soap at the Alameda Marketplace, they have a lot of natural stuff.
soap is not natrual, that is the problem, people keep trying to make it natrual, I just want pure soap,
think I could sell soap there ?
I am good at selling things that I beleve in.
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think I could sell soap there ?
I am good at selling things that I beleve in.
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