Wednesday, December 06, 2006
from my former website
so you want to pray?
here is all I know, only use it for good, or you will be haunted by evil for a very very long time.
prayer works no matter what religion you belive, even if you have no religion.
prayer works well in many cases, but try what you can physically first, and concurrently with prayer.
the cases that it will not work are when you are violating someone's free will.
it works best when the prayer is for someone else and done by more that one person.
OK, there are 2 tricks I know to get this to work, use them at the same time.
first put your brain in the right state to force your will on the outside world.
Neal Slade came up with this one, but I can't find it on his web site anymore.
you are trying to find 2 points inside your brain,
let me describe how to find them, imagine a line going between your temples,
now imagine 2 new lines going straight back from the center of each eye and connects to the line between your temples,
the 2 intersecting points are the places your looking for,
the 2 points are special places in your brain, I don't remember why.
now focus your nerve connections from the 2 points toward your forehead.
"how do I focus my nerve connections like that ?"
easy, imagining it happening works well. try this one,
visualize 2 feathers from the special points tickling the connections forward, it works really well, even if this sounds annoying, just try it first.
after being in this state all day I have a hard time going to sleep,
so the trick to fix this is to make the nerve connections so from the 2 points back and down to the base of your brain,
this does something bad if you do it to much, but I can't remember why, less than a minute is all I have ever needed.
the next trick is to activate at least 2 energy centers, one mental and one emotional.
the one you are already focusing on (right ?), at your forehead.
the next is between your eyes, this is the one I use.
the emotional ones are lower down, the one I suggest is at the heart level.
I will try to describe the differences between the centers and what they do, this night help.
there is a pattern to them once you get this it is easier.
most people are familiar with the mental with its questions and answers, this center is at eye level.
by the way, I don't know why the locations are where they are.
the next center people can relate to is the lower emotional center,
this one has wants and desires along with fulfillment and satisfaction, it is at your belly button level.
go up one center (that I know about) and you get the higher emotional, it is at the heart level,
and it has what they call pure love, meaning there is only one part to it.
the lower mental and lower emotional both have 2 parts (questions-answers, desirer-satisfaction)
go up one energy center from either and you get the attributes of the center below combining to one thing.
the one that is one up from the lower mental is really a cool place to be, no more questions without answers,
information simply is, and it all makes sense instantly.
see why the higher emotional is a better place to pray from, no broken pieces.
but do not abandon those centers with 2 parts, as these centers are what gives us drive and motivation.
there is also a center I can't fit in the pattern, it is at the throat,
people centered here are good at mechanical things, things like mechanics, lock smiths, and other physical world logic type things.
each center has a front and a back, one set lined up with your spine on your back,
and one set directly in front of that in the front of your body.
the ones in the front seem alright to focus lots of energy from,
the ones in the back cad do serious damage to you physically and mentally if you focus to much (trust me).
"how do I activate an energy center ?"
visualization with intent really works for this.
so to put it all together, you have set yourself up to change reality, now ask for what you want, be specific,
the clearer your picture, the easier it will be for it to happen,
and say it out loud if you can, there is something about the voice that makes it work better,
of corse you can ask for fulfillment from only one source like god or someone else,
but think about who you are asking and are they the best to help,
not specifying usually works very well,
but consider what may grant you this favor, especially if it is for something like personal gain.
my suggestion is to think about what you are asking for before you pray,
things like what repercussions will it have, ect...
my favorite prayer
(referring to every one on earth)
"heal our bodies
heal our lives
heal our societies
heal our civilizations
heal the world."
I know what repercussions this might have.
if any of this was excessively confusing please message me so I can make it clearer.