Tuesday, June 26, 2007
internet radio at risk.
from the following website
Support Internet Radio
A ruling by an obscure regulatory agency threatens to silence thousands of Internet radio stations. After intense lobbying from the recording industry, the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) is about to mandate exponential increases -- by as much as 1,200 percent -- in royalties paid every time webcasters stream a song online. ------------------------------------------------------
Support Internet Radio
my thoughts on this is that I think the CRB has the right to do this, but I do not think that they should.
any one remember elvis songs on the radio in the 70s and 80s,
not likely, because his estate charged the radio stations to much to play the songs that no one would play them.
so, he was not played at all or not much on the radio until people really stopped listening to him all together.
if the CBR wants to kill music, then I think they have the right.
I also think that people will go back to sharing music on tapes, CDs, mp3s and they will do it in person, not over the net.
and there will be more pirate radio stations popping up, the internet killed pirate radio and I kind of miss it.
the news all says "internet radio at risk."
when it is really "copyrighted music at risk of being more expensive than most people would like"
internet radio that just has news or plays non copyrighted music is at no risk,
musicians that put up there own music for free is not at risk.
don't be deceived, and I bet that people are starting to build transmitters and power amps for when the new rules are passed.
what are you doing about the issue ?