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Monday, November 26, 2007


the demise of logic

the demise of logic
any one remember logic ?
they use to teach it a a subject in school
now it is generally not seen as something useful.
the scientific process is also falling,

remember when one scientist would prove something...
and they would be right because they would use the "scientific process"

now people are trying to see how much they can skew the data to show what they want,
20 years ago you would have never seen the news say, "95% of scientist believe that ..."
no one use to care what they believe, only what they can prove.

it is just amazing to watch almost everyone forget that logic ever existed.
its really useful in your personal life, it is really useful in your government and that relates back to your personal life.

did you know that there are courses in "vernacular logic" to teach people how to manipulate you ?
don't be a victim, learn accurate logic.

so, go learn good some logic, or if you already know it, then go teach it to others.
and don't let others (especially news sources) get away with bad logic without making them realize that they are using bad logic.



flash block

every once in a while you can safely look at the internet.
flash advertisements have annoyed me for a long time now.
if you just did not install flash, then no problem, but then there are things that you miss because you do not have flash capabilities.
now there is a solution if you are using firefox
its called flash block and its free.
it blocks the flash from running,
and if you want it to run a flash site, all you have to do is click on it.
I just installed it, likely the last one on the block to install it, but
I thought I would tell every one anyway.



normally I don't hurt animals
but the ants are using my kitchen to get to the upstairs apartment and on the way they have covered my kitchen making it fairly unusable.
I tried quite a few things to get rid of them,
a spray bottle and a flame, but the ant vapor gives me a headache,
ajax to wipe away the chemical path that they walk on.
the thing that finally worked is spraying them with the reverse osmosis water that I now have.
it appears to kill most of them in a way that the other ants can tell that there is death all around.
even if it does not get rid of them forever, it has slowed them down lots.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007



so, I just got a new reverse osmosis water system.
it is really fun
no more fluoride in my water,
no more MTBE in my water.
I am happy.
I am sure I will be wanting more than clean water in the near future.

here is the one I got



I really was not expecting this website, they have thought so much about it.
if you are planning to live through the end of the world, then you might like this web site.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


green comercials

I am getting annoyed at car commercials claiming to be environmentally friendly because the car they are selling is a hybrid.
they are just a few percent better than the regular cars.
try not driving as much,
don't get the new car, have you thought about how much energy it takes to make a new car ?
save the environment, stop driving as much, and keep your old car for things you really need a car for.
don't believe all this new car saves the environment shit.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007



do a google search on water in the news section.
it is really disturbing
it will not be to long before we are going to have food shortages due to lack of water.
our world is about to have some problems.
get ready for a storm, its not going to be light.



I ordered a reverse osmosis water filter today.
I guess I just don't trust the water anymore,
it could be that
I keep getting sick when I drink the water.

the one I ordered produces 2 gallons per hour in an ideal situation,
I guess I will get 1 gallon an hour from the city water supply.

Friday, November 02, 2007



anyone excited about LICHEN ?
I am
here are fun websites I found.

I want to go lichen hunting this weekend, I am so excited !

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