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Thursday, February 12, 2009


rant about depressed doomers

so, some people are watching the news and are thinking that the world is ending with the economic mess, shifting

weather that causes low food supply, over population, and 2012, ect...
they get depressed and just quit trying,
I can't figure out why that is happening,

I see it like a wave,
if you end up on the bottom of it from not paying attention, you will be crushed,
if you catch the wave, you can end up on top and doing great,
if you just keep going like everyone else, it will hurt, but it will likely not be that bad,
if you give up and quit trying, you will be sure to fail, so why would any one do that ?

I think that it may be that they have not though about it that much.

lets go point by point.

economic problems:
look at places that have had this happen in the past,
people almost always live through it just fine,
yes it is annoying if you have not prepared for it,
but you will in all odds get through it fine,
economic depressions never last that long, things will get better.
if you prepare a little, you can be very well off when it gets bad.

food supply issues:
the price goes up, you will likely loose access to your favorites, but if you are rich enough to have a computer,

you are very likely to have enough money to keep eating,
remember that farmers do well in a depression because everyone still eats, and that means that the farmers will still be there.
once again, if you are ready for it, you will be just fine, because that one week supply disruption will not change your life at all, and if it ever gets to the point where lots of people start dieing, then remember that th more people that go, the more food will be left for you, so a 3 month supply of food will get you a very high chance at survival.

over population:
some people don't want to have kids in this messed up world,
and that is just silly, it has always been a messed up world.
let us say that everyone that is smart and kind enough to think about things like this decide not to have kids, then in one generation you will be left with the same population problem, but then all new generation is from stupid parents, and how is that helping the world ?
anyone that does not value having children will truly vanish from this earth, this is happening to the non religious english speeking people in the USA right now, they are being outnumbered by the hispanic catholic people because they are not having children as much.
if we ever run out of resources from what we are doing, then they will win just by pure numbers even if there is a mass die off.
and to top it all off, can you think of a bigger insult to your ancestors than "Ha Ha I am killing your blood line off by not having children"
so, my point is that if you are smart enough to read the news and see what is going on, then you really should be having children, I am not saying have them like the catholics do, but one or 2 will be perfect, just enough to replace you, and you must teach them how to thrive in whatever world they have to work with.
you can have a great life almost anywhere if you have the right information and attitude, and your children can do the same, don't skip on having them.

as things collapse other things rise,
the amount of opportunities out there are amazing, even in "bad times"
so please look forward to the future, because it really is what you make of it,
so make something good of it, make a happy family and good future for the people around you,
because if you get depressed and give up, you are sure to fail.

Some good thoughts there, Spacecase.

I've lived through several so-called recessions and they each only touched me as much as I thought about them or focussed on them. I've never in my life gone without a single meal (except when I've been on a diet, because of being too fat!). I have seen people starving on the streets of India, and ever since then, could never take so-called 'poverty' in the West seriously. No-one in the West knows the meaning of the word. Even if we get down to only having one bowl of brown rice to eat a day, we will still be richer than many in 'developing countries'.

The sun still rises every day and life is beautiful...
what you say is like a flower sprouting in a field of mud.
I am all happy now.
I honetly think you and everyone is still sleeping..wake up people!

this should wake you up...

it doesn't matter. only 20% or less of people are "paying attn" in a way we think is pertinent.

can't control population, so just build our own lifeboats. as
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